Collaborative research, grounded in Te Ao Māori

Our Centre activities align with four central pou

Te Reo Pūtaiao
Specialised language in Science

Te Ako Pūtaiao
Māori pedagogies and curriculum

Te Rangahau Pūtaiao
Māori-led research projects & Tuākana/teina capacity building

Te Āmio Pūtaiao
Place-based engagement with Pūtaiao
Te Pūtahi o Pūtaiao provides a space for members to manaaki one another, their communities, postgraduate and undergraduate students. Manaakitanga is a cornerstone value in research relationships, engaging practices that support the mana of one another, and ensure accountabilities to a collective.
Whanaungatanga is vital to research relationships within Te Pūtahi o Pūtaiao, providing important checks and balances in conducting robust research projects that have integrity, and dynamics of tuakana/teina that support the growth and nurturance of skills and leadership potential. Ensuring that every member has a role to play, drawing from their skillset to enhance the broader skills base within the group.
Working by the principle of kaitiakitanga, Te Pūtahi o Pūtaiao provides tautoko and support for its members and the kaupapa of Pūtaiao. Further, considerations for Māori data sovereignty and intellectual property are maintained by membership.

Te Reo Pūtaiao: Specialised Te Reo Māori in Pūtaiao
The strategic goals for this pou are:
- Develop resources and programmes to improve the accessibility of Pūtaiao in te reo Māori.
- Explore the specialised reo in Pūtaiao and the grounding of scientific terms in Te Ao Māori.

Te Rangahau Pūtaiao: Kaupapa Māori science research
The strategic goals for this pou are:
- Celebrate the Putaiao research that is currently undertaken.
- Collaborate on Putaiao research projects with kaimahi Maori, tauira Maori, whanau, hapu and iwi.

Te Ako Pūtaiao: Teaching and Learning of Pūtaiao
The strategic goals for this pou are:
- Develop pathways, curricula and pedagogies for the teaching, learning, and research in Putaiao
- Create collaborations and networks to share experiences and expertise in Te Ako Putaiao

Te Āmio Pūtaiao: Place-based Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Engagement
The strategic goals for this pou are:
- Create relationships with tangata whenua on and with their whenua utilising Te Tai Tokerau and Tai Tonga campuses.
- Create collaborative processes and opportunities for kaimahi Maori, whanau, hapu and iwi in Pūtaiao.